York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills Book 12--Labor Complaints 24 December 1703 Unity Davis formerly an Hired Servant to William White late of this County Deced by her peticon to this Court hath Order granted against ye Estate of ye Said Decedent for ye sume of Nineteen Shillings & Tenne pence Sterl being Due for Service and is Ordered to be paid with Cost Alias Execucon Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (12) 166, 24 December 1703. 24 December 1703 In ye Suite depending to this Court between Sarah Maud Complainant against James Morris Deft Shewing ye Deceit & fraud of ye Deft in betraying ye Complainant into ye circumstance of a Servant by Signeing a fraudulent Indenture to wch ye Deft by mr Robert Hyde his Attorney pleaded yt ye said Indenture is a Lawfull & Legall Indenture & ye plt for Replicacon by mr Orlando Jones her Attorney Said yt ye said Indenture is not a Lawfull Indenture & thereupon put her selfe on her Country & ye Deft Likewise whereupon a Jury was Impanelled & Sworne who after hearing Evidence produced on both Sides Departed to Consult their verdict & after their returne after ye Complt & Deft being Called in Court was their verdict Read wch was we find for ye plt wch on Mocon of mr Orlando Jones ye Complts Attorney is Comitted to Record & ye Complt Cleared from ye said Indenture & Ordered yt ye Deft pay Cost Alias Execucon Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (12) 172, 24 December 1703. 24 February 1704/5 Thomas Danford by Henry Holdcraft his Attorney Humbly complaining to this Court agt: Edward Thomas for Deteining ye Complainant in his service being arrived at ye age of twenty one Years borne of a free Woman never bound to ye said Thomas or his predecessors (to ye Complainants knowledge) and praying to be set at Liberty or ye sd Thomas to be sumoned to shew his Objection hath Order granted yt ye sd Edward Thomas bee Sumoned to ye next Court to Answer his Complaint Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (12) 274, 24 February 1704/5. 8 March 1705/6 Upon Hearing ye peticon of Edward Powers & Charles Hansford Apprentices of Peter Gibson against their said Master Complaining of Their said Masters Neglect of his Duty in Instructing his said Apprentices in ye Art of a Gun Smith wch by Indenture he is bound to do & also of Imoderate Correction ill Example in Life & Manners unlawfull Comands & want to meet & Competent Accomodations wch Apprentices ought to have On ye Examinacon of Evidence for ye. Peticoners it is ye Courts Opinion yt. ye said Peter Gibson hath not pformed his Duty he haveing left of his Trade & Turned Ordinary keeper And therefore Ordered yt. they ye said peticoners be from hence forth free from ye said Peter & yt he sd Peter pay Cost Alias Execucon Source: York County Deeds, Orders, and Wills (12) 387, 8 March 1705/6.